Home / Hooks & Rigs / Spearpoint SS Worm Hooks Qty 6
  • Spearpoint SS Worm Hooks Qty 6
  • Spearpoint SS Worm Hooks Qty 6

Spearpoint SS Worm Hooks Qty 6

  • Detail

    Perfect for a variety of worming applications, the Spearpoint Performance Hooks Straight Shank Worm Hooks feature a patent-pending design that will dramatically increase your hook-up and fish landing ratios. Built with the proven Spearpoint VGrip technology, they deliver deep hook penetration thanks to their sticky sharp piercing points for more positive hook sets. The VGrip also keeps fished pinned farther down into the shank of the hooks, which prevents fish from shaking free.

    Fitted with a double barbed keeper system, the Spearpoint Performance Hooks Straight Shank Worm Hooks will hold even the softest of hand poured worms in place when moving through cover without tearing them up. Available in a wide selection of sizes, the Spearpoint Performance Hooks Straight Shank Worm Hooks increase the productivity and overall effectiveness of any worming application.

    Quantity – 6pk

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